JPHOTOBRUSH PRO ver 1.3 by Tanveer Rameez (Dated 25 June 2004)

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            JPHOTOBRUSH PRO ver 1.3 by Tanveer Rameez (Dated 25 June 2004)

                 Multi-Platform Image Editing and Enhancement Application 

Steps to execute the application: 

1. Please ensure that you have JRE(Java Runtime Environment) version 1.4 or higher installed in your machine.

2. in command prompt type: java -jar JPhotoBrush.jar . This executes the .jar file.


* In Microsoft Windows operating System, you can double click on the JPhotoBrush.jar file to open the application. 

   Or you can execute the run_in_Windows.bat.

* In OS/2 install the program (with icon in the start up menu), run the InstallOS2.CMD. To execute , run run_in_os2.CMD.

  In OS/2 ECS, you can install 'Run Java' , a free program found at : . It allows to run jar files at click of the mouse and also places an icon on the desktop.

Running the add-on programs:

* to open the JPhotoBatch directly, type: java -jar JPhotoBrush.jar -batch .

* to open the JPhotoAnim directly, type: java -jar JPhotoBrush.jar -anim .

* to open an image when JPhotoBrush starts, type: java -jar JPhotoBrush <absolute path of the image> .

* to display the thumbnails of images in a  directory when JPhotoBrush starts i.e. open the image browser (JPhotoBrowser), type: java -jar JPhotoBrush <absolute path of the directory> .

* to display the thumbnails of images in a  zipped or jar when JPhotoBrush starts i.e. open the image browser (JPhotoBrowser) , type: java -jar JPhotoBrush <absolute path of the zipped/jar file> .

If you face any problem while working with JPhotoBrush Pro, read the Tips.txt. Maybe you can fix your problem based on the solutions there.

# Best viewed in 1024 by 768 resolution. Minimum resolution is 600 by 800. 

# Minimum CPU speed is 800 MHZ Intel Pentium or equivalent. Recommended is 1 GHz Intel Pentium or equivalent. 

# Minimum JRE version is 1.4 .  

# Though the application occupies about 1.3 Mb, ensure that your hard disk space (where you default temp directory is) is about 50 MB to ensure efficent performance while running the application.

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