[프로그램] PartitionMagic by PowerQuest Version 2.0 for OS/2

마루 0 17,921 2008.05.02 07:39
PartitionMagic by PowerQuest
Version 2.0 for OS/2
Copyright (c) 1994-1995, PowerQuest Corporation
All Rights Reserved. Patents Pending.

This file explains changes made since the printing of the manual.

1.  License Types
2.  Changing Your Boot Partition
3.  OS/2 Hardware and Software Bugs
4.  Warnings
5.  Drives >1024 Cylinders
6.  Updates

1. License Types

The Personal Version of PartitionMagic features a machine-specific license.
The Personal License allows installation or configuration on two and only two
particular machines.  See the *User Guide* for the license.

The Professional Version of PartitionMagic comes with a non-machine-specific
license.  This license may be used on an unlimited number of PCs, one at a
time.  The Professional License includes technical support and maintenance
updates for one year.

The Enterprise Version is for organizations requiring remote configuration
capabilities at multiple sites.  This license provides for remote execution
which runs unattended through use of a script file.  The Enterprise License
allows simultaneous use and can upgrade hundreds of users quickly and saves
time and travel expense.  For information on the Enterprise Version of
PartitionMagic, contact PowerQuest Corporate Sales at (801) 226-8977.

2. Changing Your Boot Partition

If you want to modify your boot partition, you must boot from an alternate
source.  If you have multiple boot partitions, boot from a partition other
than the partition you want to modify.  Otherwise boot OS/2 or DOS from
floppy.  See the *User Guide* for more information.

See the material later in this file for information about drives containing
more than 1024 cylinders, and Text Mode (PQMAGICT.EXE).

3. OS/2 Hardware and Software Bugs

We have found two serious hardware bugs that can cause corruption of your
hard drive if you use PartitionMagic under OS/2 without first upgrading your
OS/2 software.  There are also two OS/2 CHKDSK bugs that you should be aware
of.  The symptoms are errors SYS0549 and SYS1377.  These four bugs are
discussed below.

Model 77

The first bug occurs on PS/2 Model 77 computers and possibly other computers
using a Future Domain SCSI controller.  Make certain that you have the latest
flash BIOS and the latest SCSI driver or you may experience loss of data or
corruption of your hard drive.  IBM has released a new Future Domain SCSI
driver that fixes bugs in the drivers shipped with Warp FullPack and Warp
FixPak WFP_05.  The new driver can be found in FDWPGA.ZIP, available in the
standard places (CIS:OS2SUPPORT, FTP:software.watson.ibm.com/pub/os2/os2fixes,
OS/2 BBS).

Model 77 owners should also make certain they have v3.07 (Rev 7) or later of
the flash BIOS.  The latest BIOS is usually available on the IBM PC Co.  BBS
(919-517-0001) in the Reference Disk Section.  From the main menu, select "REF
DISK" to read and accept the license terms.  Search for "flash" in the
Reference Disk file area.  The last time we checked, the Reference Disk file
area was #27 and the filename was 7677flsh.dsk.


The second serious hardware bug, a sporadic data loss bug, is restricted to
PCI bus computers containing the PC-Tech RZ1000 PCI controller chip and the
CMD 604.  If you have a computer with a PCI bus, please do NOT use
PartitionMagic until you have checked for this bug.

Use IOTEST to test a computer for the PCI IO bug.  READ THE INSTRUCTIONS
FOR IOTEST BEFORE USING IT!  If the instructions are not followed carefully,
the test itself could trigger the bug which could destroy data in any or all
of your files on any of your drives!  The instructions for proper use of
IOTEST are found in the file, IOTEST.TXT.

CHKDSK SYS0549 Error

PartitionMagic uses a legal, but non-conventional system structure layout for
HPFS partitions. The layout is within the HPFS file system specification and,
for a healthy partition, CHKDSK will verify the integrity of that layout.

Should the partition ever require repair, the non-conventional layout sometimes
causes problems for CHKDSK.  CHKDSK gives a SYS0549 error, claiming no
space is available on the drive, even when space is available.  IBM has opened
APAR PJ19300 to track customers needing a fix for this problem.

CHKDSK SYS1377 Error

PartitionMagic sometimes changes the size of the root directory to facilitate
various operations.  OS/2's CHKDSK gives error SYS1377 if the root directory
contains more than 64 root sectors, even though the FAT file system allows
2047 sectors.

IBM has not yet opened an APAR on this error.  Until a fix is available,
use PartitionMagic to resize the root directory to a smaller value.

4. Warnings

- Don't forget to backup your hard drive before using PartitionMagic.  While
PartitionMagic has been thoroughly tested and is quite safe, power failure,
operating system bugs, and hardware design bugs can put your data at risk.  No
software program, including PartitionMagic, is perfect.  Before using any
utility that makes such extensive changes to your hard drive, you should
backup your data.

- If you run PartitionMagic from DOS:  Turn off 3rd party disk caches.
Deactivate or unload any TSR programs that access or modify the partitions
being changed.  Exit multitasking software such as Windows 3.1 before starting
PartitionMagic.  Do not run PartitionMagic from a compressed drive.

- With Windows 95, run PartitionMagic using MS-DOS Mode.

- When starting Windows 3.1, it is normal to get an error message stating that
the swap file is corrupt.  Windows 3.1 is designed knowing that disk utilities
may move the clusters of the swap file.  When a move is detected, the error
message is given.  To fix the swap file, delete the swap file and create it
again.  Click on the 386 Enhanced icon in Control Panel, then on the Virtual
Memory button.

- Sometimes using PartitionMagic confuses Windows NT in that Windows NT
changes drive letter assignments.  Use Disk Administrator to change the drive
letters back to the values you prefer.

- This release of PartitionMagic handles 7-bit ASCII filenames.  PartitionMagic
does not yet handle full 8-bit character sets such as Code Page 850 or double
byte character sets.  Converting a partition can produce incorrectly
translated filenames.

5. Drives >1024 Cylinders

Under DOS, PartitionMagic can not read cylinders that DOS can not see.  If you
have cylinders beyond 1023 that the DOS version of FDISK can't see,
PartitionMagic (DOS executable) won't see them either.

If part of the drive is unaccessible to DOS and contains partitions or parts
of partitions, only the partitions totally accessible to PartitionMagic are
enabled for modifying, even though they may be displayed.  If part of the
extended partition is inaccessible, no operations are permitted anywhere
within it.  If at all possible, use the Presentation Manager executable
(PQMAGIC.EXE) to modify the drive.

Usually in OS/2 Maintenance Mode OS/2 can access the entire drive.  However,
if the default driver set loaded for maintenance mode does not include the
drivers necessary for your drive, you will not be able to access the entire
drive until you modify the CONFIG.SYS used to boot maintenance mode.  Change
the CONFIG.SYS used to start Maintenance Mode to include the same hard disk
drivers used by the full OS/2 boot.

6. Updates

Minor updates to PartitionMagic are provided periodically.  They are available
from our BBS (801-226-5608), via anonymous ftp (ftp.itsnet.com/pub/powerquest),
our web site (www.powerquest.com), and CompuServe (OS2AVENDOR).  Check
regularly to assure you have the latest bug fixes and minor improvements.


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