JMSN 0.9.7

PMShell 0 19,383 2018.06.28 02:35


  $Id: README.TXT,v 1.6 2002/04/18 19:11:42 xrath Exp $

  Running JMSN 0.9.7


  1. Requirements


     - Java Runtime Environment 1.3 or greater.

     - jmsn.jar

     - lib/msnm.jar

  2. Running JMSN Messenger 

     - Simple type

       > java -jar jmsn.jar 

       if your platform is win32, Launch this! 

  > jmsn.exe

  3. For Windows ME/2000/XP users 

     If rath_awt.dll located in lib directory and you launch jmsn with

     jmsn.exe, you can use the following additional features.

     You need (jmsn.exe, jmsn.prop, lib/rath_awt.dll). 

     These files were include by JMSN 0.9.5 distribution.

     Warning: On some windows platform with dll, JRE 1.3.x VM crashed.

              In this case, use JRE 1.4.

     + System TrayIcon

     + Transparency layered windows

     + Always on top

  4. For Linux (Korean) users.

     - Visit the following URL and you can see Hangul correctly.


  5. For OS/2 Warp 4.5 users

     - Michele Della Guardia <> post some useful 

       starting script on OS/2 Warp 4.5.

       (where x:\ has to be changed with your own path)


     @echo off

     set beginlibpath=x:\java13\jre\dll;

     set path=x:\java13\jre\bin;%path%

     java -jar jmsn.jar



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