[게임] Classic Trade Wars 2 BBS Door Game

마루 0 13,933 2020.03.14 20:56

 //                                                                       //
 //Docs to install TradeWars 2 under OS/2 2.0                             //
 //                                                                       //

  TW2 for OS/2 is a set of 32-bit executables, and will work under OS/2 2.x
  only. They will not work with OS/2 1.x.

  I'll try to quickly cover the changes to the OS/2 version compared to the
  DOS version.

  Command line options: (case of the option is unimportant, a space between
                         each option IS important!)

  /Hxx    -  Tells TW2 what the file handle to use for IO

             Example:  TW2 /H10  (for a passed file handle of 10)

  /Nxx    -  Tells TW2 the node (task) number. This is in decimal format, not
             hex format.

             Example:  TW2 /N2   (node 2)

  TW2 setup under Maximus

  To set up TW2 under Maximus, create a separate directory for TW2. UnZIP
  TOS21114.ZIP in that directory.. (I guess you already did that to read
  this huh?)  UnZIP I.ZIP, this is the install/initialization program.
  Run I.EXE to install TW2. When it asks for the BBS type, choose type
  7, this will tell TW2 to use a DOOR.SYS file to interface to Maximus.
  When it asks if you wish to run the maintenance program automatically,
  or externally during an event, choose the event option.. otherwise you'll
  get a Trap 5 (this only happens with a caller on-line.. I'm working on it)
  Its more convenient in an event anyway..

  After the initialization is complete, unZIP GIO-0095.ZIP, put GIO.DLL in
  your \OS2\DLL directory so TW2 can find it when it runs.  GIO is short
  for 'Gerns Comm I/O' and is a 32-bit multi-threaded serial communications
  library. See the docs for more info.

  Go into your menu control file, MENUS.CTL, and create an entry that looks
  similar to this:

        Display_File    Misc\Doorsys            Disgrace "TradeWars 2"
  NoDsp Xtern_DOS       TW2.Cmd_%P              Disgrace "T"

  What menu you put this in, or what user level you use is up to you.
  These lines tell Maximus to load a copy of CMD.EXE which will run
  TW2.CMD with the first parameter as the passed comm file handle. TW2.CMD
  should be in your Maximus directory.

  Compile your new menus using SILT.

  Create a batch file called TW2.CMD in your Maximus directory that looks
  like so: (this example has comments, don't use them in your batch file)

  CD\TW2                        ' change to the TW2 directory
  TW2 /H%1 /P:C:\MAX\DOOR.SYS   ' run tw2 passed handle is '%1'
  CD\MAX                        ' back to the Maximus directory

  Thats it!  If you have multiple nodes, you must tell TW2 the node
  number on the command line with the /Nxx.

  Set up TWMAINT to run each night in an event with the following lines
  in your batch file:


  That should do the trick. TW2 should now run.. (geez.. I hope..)
  If it doesn't run, see TW2.DOC for info on how to contact me.

  John Morris
  TradeWars Software

  Known Quirks/Bugs:  10/01/92

  I'm using a Hayes ESP card to test GIO.DLL, and TW2.  I've noticed 3
  different comm 'personalities' with 3 different COM.SYS files..
  The LA version works best, and that isn't great.. The GA version locks
  OS/2 up hard.. and the 0810 version, though it doesn't lock up, it
  doesn't acknowledge any characters sent from the remote end, but it
  transmits just fine.. So, the Hayes board is not a good investment, at
  least not at this time..   I don't have access to regular serial
  cards, or Digiboards at this point, but I hope to have them soon. This
  means that I don't have as thorough a testing pgm as I do for the DOS
  version (but I've been writing the DOS version for 6 1/2 years.. so I'll
  always have more experience with it..)

  When TW2 is working just right, you should never see your CTS line go down,
  but rather at some point TW2 may slow down as if the CTS line went down.
  This is perfectly normal.


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- 쇼핑몰 : Softbox
- 예전 문서 / Old docs
- FTP Server: http://ftp.hanmesoft.com
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