PMMASort v.1.0? PMMail Addressbook Sorter (for PMMail v.1.9)

마루 0 9,415 2021.09.23 01:52

PMMASort v.1.0?  PMMail Addressbook Sorter (for PMMail v.1.9)

Copyright (c) 1997 Gyan Scott Penrose-Kafka (

PMMASort is E:MailWare, which means, if you use this program, please

send me an e:mail (at to let me know.

I wrote PMMASort because I got tired of PMMail not sorting the address book

for the pop-up address book.  It is a simple little program which will allow

you so sort your address book by either the alias field or the name field.

Usage:  PMMASORT x:\path\ADDR.DB x:\path\outputfile name/alias

To Sort by name:

PMMASort h:\apps\southsde\tools\addr.db h:\apps\southsde\tools\addr.out name

To Sort by alias:

PMMASort h:\apps\southsde\tools\addr.db h:\apps\southsde\tools\addr.out alias

You should run this program periodically in order to make sure that your

pop-up address books always have the new entries in alphabetical order.

Hopefully, in the near future PMMail will keep the address book datatbase

sorted rather than just sticking newly added addresses at the end of the

database.  But until that happens, use PMMASort.


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