2.0.4. Support Agreement extended 2.0.4. Support Agreement extended

February 06, 2007 by Serenity Systems International / Mensys BV

A clarification with regard to the 'active Support Agreement' is called for:

" 2.0.4 for eComStation and OS/2 is available to all customers with an active Support Agreement."

The initial duration of the agreement was 12 months, however, since the GA version of 2.0.4 has not been released before the first Support Agreements expired, the duration of the agreement has been extended
to match the releasedate of 2.0.4 for eComStation and OS/2 GA.

People who already purchased a Support Agreement Renewal will have the date on which that agreement start 'reset' to the releasedate of the GA version.

After the 2.0.4 release, the next available verion of for eComStation and OS/2 will be based on the official 2.2 release. Customers with an active Support Agreement at that time will be able to download and
beta-test this new version.

Hope this clarifies some of the questions that were raised by the recent expiring Support Agreements.

Best regards,

Serenity Systems International & Mensys BV  


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