Announcing the OS/2 and eComStation Developers Workshop 2007 - 7th and…

Announcing the OS/2 and eComStation Developers Workshop 2007 - 7th and 8th July, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

February 18, 2007 by Robert Henschel and the Dutch HCC computer club are pleased to announce the OS/2 and eComStation Developers Workshop 2007. The workshop will be held in the beautiful city of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on the weekend of 7th and 8th July 2007.

The workshop is targeted at developers that create software and drivers for OS/2 or eComStation. The details have yet to be finalized and this is the first public announcement.
The workshop follows the tradition of organizing an event for developers once every year. Last years workshop was held in Biel, Switzerland and the first workshop was held in 2005 in Dresden, Germany.

If you are developing software for OS/2 or eComStation and want to participate in the workshop, please visit the workshop homepage. The page is currently under construction and information about the workshop program, facilities, accommodation and travel ill follow.

Workshop Homepage:

Contact Email:  


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