Cameraderie v1.2

Cameraderie v1.2

February 17, 2007 by

Cameraderie v1.2 is a GUI organizer & downloader for your PTP digital camera (e.g. Canon, Kodak, etc). Instead of dumping a bunch of files in some directory and leaving you to sort out the mess, Cameraderie gives you the tools to view, organize, and rename your photos before they hit your
disk. In most cases, you can rename a group of photos and designate the folder to save them in by clicking a single button. It's quicker & easier than any file-based GUI app or commandline tool.

With v1.2, Cameraderie makes another task quicker & easier: viewing and saving your photos "right-side up". It uses a photo's Exif info to determines the correct orientation, then saves it using "Lossless JPEG Rotation" to ensure the picture's quality remains unchanged.

v1.2 also adds a "save-by-date" feature for those who prefer to file their photos by date rather than subject matter; and a "Camera Info" dialog that provides some basic details about your camera.

Cameraderie supports cameras that use PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) and connect via USB (v1.1 & v2.0). It can be used in English, German, Dutch. & French, and is easy to translate into other languages. The program is open-source and released under the Mozilla Public License.

You can get Cameraderie from hobbes:

or directly from my site:

You can also obtain the source code from:  


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